
Thanks for stumbling upon the blog. If you like what you read, do post me a mail. I reply on

I am Anonymous and would like to be that way. I have a thought of my own and may not always project ‘conventional’ thoughts and ideas. If you do not agree with something, please feel free to debate. I can TALK!

As for the posts, these are meant for audiences matured enough to understand ‘reality’. No head in the clouds, girly sissy stuff will be put up here. Not that most posts are serious, but as the website implies… Most of it is Pretty Ridiculous 🙂

Everything here is an original and anything borrowed has been given due credit.

If you really really like what you’ve read here, you might want to read some more on Klash ( .. Brownie points for guessing the real me there 😉




PS : A kind word to plagiarisers : If you like something, share it. This goes out especially to those people who copy everything right from usernames to movie review formats. You wouldnt want to crack me up now, would you? 🙂

7 Comments on “Me.”

  1. I like it !!
    the first thing that struck my brains.. is WOW….. ain’t that perfectly-ridiculous ….still int-resting !!

  2. hiya

    this looks interesting…
    How do I become a blogger?
    to say what I have to say
    to write what is a bother
    and what makes my day..
    really then how do I begin?
    and see how to fit in

    quizzically yours

  3. I followed you from the comment you left on my blog. Then I saw that you’ve added me to your blogroll. I read the description that you put up and it made my day.

    Thanks! 🙂

    • haha, it isnt any wonder then, that I have read quite a few of your posts over a period of time.. The last post made me relate to a lot of things simultaneously.. And if you speak about my posts being interesting.. Yours are way more interesting than mine.. 🙂

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